Summer Projects

As everyone knows, we love projects! This year we are working on transforming our backyard into a haven of rest and relaxation---you know, like in the Lowe's comercials! I don't think our expectations are for "Country Living" or "BH&G", but we are looking to finally have a little grass in our yard. The lumberjack guys were here yesterday and we had 5 trees removed. The birches in the back yard were over 70 feet tall, and when the wind blows the swaying was really a bit much. It was time for them to go. We also had a large fir that lost it's top a few years back during a big storm and it was leaning right toward our bedroom. After they removed the remaining branches, we were very surprised at how much it straightened up! I think it may have been the tree we were hearing moan in the dark of the night when the wind comes up.
Now for the real work. Stump digging!! The play area is moving up to Bellingham for our grandkids and we are working on a design that will make the backyard a little more liveable and inviting for us old folks. I'll keep you posted on the progress!

Here is some of the clearing that has been going on. I just have to keep an eye on the guys when they are working---I don't want it to get too tame looking out there! The birds and the squirrels need to have a place to hide from George!!

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