Take Me Out to the Ball Game!

We girls talked the boys into taking us to the Annual Stitch & Pitch at the Mariners game. All the knitters and crocheter sat together and enjoyed our two favorite past times--stitching and baseball! This was also Theo and Penny's first trip to the Big Show!

As you can see, they both were having a great time! We had on our official Mariner's team gear and we really had great seats (though a bit up high for my tastes!)
Here we are all enjoying just spending time together and watching a good game (our side even won!)

Andy taught Theo all the moves for Louie, Louie and he really got into the dancing. He wanted to see the moose, but this is as close as he would go! "All Done, All Done Daddy!" Maybe next time he'll want to get a little better look.
A good time was had by all. Ah, but once again I hear that crocodile......tic, tic, tic. When did they start to grow so fast?

1 comment:

SL said...

Thanks for helping me remember that fun day! Baseball season is just around the corner!